Zimbabwe Risked Ban on Diamond Mining

Gem Investing

Prime Minister of Zimbabwe Morgan Tsvangirai has called for private investment in diamond mining, saying the country faced a real threat of being banned from dealing with diamonds if the chaos, looting and militarization of Chiadzwa diamond fields persists.
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Prime Minister of Zimbabwe Morgan Tsvangirai has called for private investment in diamond mining, saying the country faced a real threat of being banned from dealing with diamonds if the chaos, looting and militarization of Chiadzwa diamond fields persists.

For full story, click here

The Conversation (2)
a a
a a
25 Feb, 2011
Check out the company facebook page as it contains lots of interesting resources http://www.facebook.com/pages/Canadian-Arrow-Mines-tsxv-CRO/136580016409696
a a
a a
25 Feb, 2011
Check out the company facebook page as it contains lots of interesting resources http://www.facebook.com/pages/Canadian-Arrow-Mines-tsxv-CRO/136580016409696