Vote of confidence for Peregrine

Gem Investing

The Financial reports that BHP Billiton (NYSE:BHP) will continue to participate jointly with Peregrine Diamonds (TSE:PGD)  in its’ Chidliak project in Nunavut. The story is quoted as saying: Peregrine will retain 49% of the marketing rights to the diamonds from Chidliak. This is strategically important in the long term as those rights can be […]

The Financial reports that BHP Billiton (NYSE:BHP) will continue to participate jointly with Peregrine Diamonds (TSX:PGD)  in its’ Chidliak project in Nunavut.

The story is quoted as saying:

Peregrine will retain 49% of the marketing rights to the diamonds from Chidliak. This is strategically important in the long term as those rights can be use to develop a vertically integrated company, Mr. Cooper noted

To access the full story, click here.

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