3 New Kimberlites Discovered at North Arrow’s Pikoo Project

Diamond Investing

North Arrow Minerals Inc. (TSXV:NAR) discovered 3 new kimberlites as part of an exploration drilling program at the Pikoo Diamond Project in Saskatchewan. The 3 new kimberlite discoveries were found in the East Pikoo, North Pikoo and South Pikoo target areas – the most significant being kimberlite PK314 in the North Pikoo area which was drilled to a depth of 213 m and appears to be an E-W trending.

North Arrow Minerals Inc. (TSXV:NAR) discovered 3 new kimberlites as part of an exploration drilling program at the Pikoo Diamond Project in Saskatchewan. The 3 new kimberlite discoveries were found in the East Pikoo, North Pikoo and South Pikoo target areas – the most significant being kimberlite PK314 in the North Pikoo area which was drilled to a depth of 213 m and appears to be an E-W trending.

As quoted in the press release:

North Arrow Minerals Inc. (TSXV-NAR) is pleased to report that three new kimberlite occurrences have been discovered as part of an exploration drilling program at the Pikoo Diamond Project in central eastern Saskatchewan, approximately 10 km north of the road accessible community of Deschambault Lake. North Arrow began exploring the Pikoo Project in 2013, discovering the PK150 kimberlite during its first drill campaign and from which a 209.7 kg sample returned a sample grade of 1.34 carats per tonne for diamonds greater than 0.85 mm (please see North Arrow news release #13-20 dated November 5, 2013 for details). Highlights from the 2015 drilling program are as follows:

24 drill holes (3,243 m) tested kimberlite discoveries from 2013 and new targets defined by till sampling programs in 2014;

Three new kimberlite occurrences have been discovered, one each in the East Pikoo, North Pikoo and South Pikoo target areas;
The most significant discovery is kimberlite PK314 in the North Pikoo area, located immediately up ice from a high priority pyrope garnet anomaly. PK314 has been drilled to a depth of 213 m and appears to be an E-W trending, vertically emplaced diatreme-like body that is 25 m wide with a minimum length of approximately 40 m;
Diamondiferous kimberlite PK150, first discovered in 2013, has now been drilled to a depth of 199 m and over a strike length of 150 m, and remains open to depth and along strike to the east;
Drilling has confirmed that PK150 is not constrained by the high intensity magnetic anomaly identified as the initial exploration target in 2013;

PK314 and PK150 display textures consistent with coherent kimberlite and transitional to Kimberley-type pyroclastic kimberlite (previously termed diatreme facies kimberlite) as opposed to only hypabyssal textural features that characterize dyke-like bodies;
Kimberlite has now been encountered in 11 of 13 drill holes completed to date along a 900 m strike length of the “PK150/151 valley” in the South Pikoo target area.

North Arrow President and CEO, Ken Armstrong, said:

The 2015 winter drilling program was a success and has confirmed the Pikoo Project’s potential for multiple diamondiferous kimberlite discoveries. The discovery of an extensive zone of weakly magnetic kimberlite at PK150 has not only increased the size of the body but also opens up possibilities for new kimberlite targets within the project. Additionally, the PK150 and PK314 kimberlites display textures consistent with, or transitional to, diatreme-like kimberlite bodies. These are not simple kimberlite dykes. Further detailed logging of the drill cores is underway to confirm these interpretations, which have important positive implications for ongoing exploration of the property.

Click here to read the North Arrow Minerals Inc. (TSXV:NAR) press release
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