North Arrow Discovers New Kimberlite, Recovers 487 Diamonds at Pikoo

Diamond Investing

North Arrow Minerals Inc. (TSXV:NAR) discovered a new kimberlite – PK311 – and reported new microdiamond results from the PK150 and PK312 kimberlites from the Pikoo Diamond Project in Saskatchewan.

North Arrow Minerals Inc. (TSXV:NAR) discovered a new kimberlite – PK311 – and reported new microdiamond results from the PK150 and PK312 kimberlites from the Pikoo Diamond Project in Saskatchewan. The results come from Spring 2015 drill core samples. Highlights include a recovery of 487 diamonds larger than 0.106 mm sieve class, including 9 diamonds greater than the 0.85 mm sieve class.
As quoted in the press release:

  • Caustic fusion analyses of 323.02 kg of kimberlite from PK150 have resulted in the recovery of 487 diamonds larger than 0.106 mm sieve class, including 9 diamonds greater than the 0.85 mm sieve class;
  • Weakly magnetic transitional kimberlite discovered at the eastern end of PK150 has returned diamond counts consistent with the remainder of the kimberlite.
  • A 14.5 kg sample from hypabyssal kimberlite PK312 has returned five diamonds, confirming the PK312 kimberlite dyke as diamond bearing.
  • A new kimberlite, PK311, has been confirmed, increasing the number of discrete kimberlite occurrences within the Pikoo Project to seven. A sample of this magnetic weathered micaceous unit has returned significant numbers of kimberlite indicator minerals (KIMs), including pyrope and eclogitic garnet and ilmenite.

Approximately 36% of the recovered diamonds are aggregates, 30% are octahedra, and 16% macles. Approximately 78% of the diamonds are white in colour. These results are consistent with the 2013 microdiamond results (please see news release dated November 5, 2013 for details) and confirm PK150 as a significantly diamondiferous kimberlite. The 2015 drilling program expanded the size of PK150 to at least 150 m in length, including an interval of transitional, weakly magnetic kimberlite at the eastern end of the pipe-like body. Diamond recoveries from this unit are consistent with elsewhere in the kimberlite, which is important as the kimberlite remains open in this area, as well as to depth, and the occurrence of interpreted transitional type textures could be important for the volume potential of PK150 and for the discovery of other kimberlite bodies within the project.
PK312 Kimberlite – A 14.5 kg sample (inclusive of 1.8 kg of country rock dilution) of PK312 returned five diamonds including four greater than the 0.106mm sieve size and one greater than the 0.150mm sieve class. The sample size is very small but has confirmed the kimberlite to be diamond bearing. PK312 was discovered as 1.5m intervals of coherent kimberlite in two angled drill holes (please see North Arrow news release data March 30, 2015 for details). The KIM train down ice of PK312 is well constrained and there is room for additional targets to be identified near its up ice termination.
PK311 Kimberlite – As previously reported, a target (PK311) drilled on the east side of the Pikoo project area in 2015, intersected a magnetic, weathered black micaceous unit with local green to white carbonate fracture fillings and veinlets crosscutting an adjacent country rock breccia unit. A 1.45kg sample of this unit was submitted for KIM analysis and has confirmed this unit as kimberlite with the presence of hundreds of indicator minerals including mantle-derived pyrope and eclogitic garnets and kimberlitic ilmenite.
PK314 Kimberlite – Microdiamond results from kimberlite PK314 have yet to be received and are expected within the next four weeks.
Planning is also underway for a detailed helicopter borne magnetic survey over the up ice terminations of KIM trains within the project area. The purpose of the surveys is to define additional new targets for a winter 2016 drilling program. This winter drilling will focus on fully delineating the extent of kimberlites discovered to date and testing new targets defined by the magnetic survey.

North Arrow CEO, Ken Armstrong, said:

“These new diamond results from PK150 are consistent with those reported from the 2013 discovery drill holes and confirm PK150 as a significantly diamondiferous kimberlite with increasing size potential located less than 20km from road and power infrastructure in Saskatchewan. Planning is underway for a detailed follow up geophysical program in advance of a winter drilling program to further delineate PK150 and the other kimberlites on the property, as well as to test new targets.”

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