Mountain Province Identifies Another Kimberlite in NWT
The Gahcho Kue mine is located in Canada’s Northwest Territories.
Mountain Province Diamonds (TSX:MPVD,NASDAQ: MPVD) has released an update on the exploration program currently under way in the immediate vicinity of the Gahcho Kué mine.
The Gahcho Kue mine is located in Canada’s Northwest Territories.
As quoted from the press release:
The most recent drilling has now identified additional kimberlite in the corridor between 5034 and Tuzo, with true intercepts up to 72 meters in thickness. The Curie target has also been confirmed to have kimberlite intercepts up to 52 meters with the full extent of all the additional kimberlite still to be determined.
The detailed exploration program has focused on three objectives; drill test for extensions to the Hearne kimberlite between the north and south lobes, drill test the corridor between 5034 and Tuzo, particularly around the North Pipe kimberlite, and drill test the Curie ground gravity target located between the Tesla and Tuzo kimberlites. Additional kimberlite breccia between the north and south lobes at Hearne was previously confirmed, extending vertically from 40 metres depth from the surface and to at least as deep as 220 metres depth.
Drill testing of the corridor between 5034 and Tuzo has focused on the zone between the 5034 pipe and the North pipe and an area immediately northeast of the North pipe. Drilling has confirmed kimberlitic material between the north lobe of 5034 and the North Pipe, as well as in the corridor extending northeast of the North Pipe towards Tuzo. This new kimberlitic material extends vertically from 248 meters to 350 meters depth. At the Curie target, kimberlite was intersected at a vertical depth of only 18 meters, with the deepest intercept at 119 meters depth. The Curie kimberlite lies within the proposed open pit mine plan for the Tuzo kimberlite, and midway between Tuzo and the Tesla kimberlite. A summary of results from the drill programs is provided in the table below and in figures appended to this news release.