Lace Mine Exceeds DiamondCorp’s Expectations

Gem Investing

IBTimes reported DiamondCorp’s (LSE:DCP) results from the old Lace mine have exceeded their expectations.

IBTimes reported DiamondCorp’s (LSE:DCP) results from the old Lace mine have exceeded their expectations.

As quoted in the market news,

DiamondCorp said bulk sampling had been completed at the Lace mine between the 25 and 26 levels with three volcaniclastic kimberlite (VK) types encountered and sampled.

These were a pinkish brown VK grading 26 carats per hundred tonne (cpht), a grey VK grading 14 cpht and a cointact VK grading 9 cpht.

Only the brown VK falls into the mine plan.

Click here for the full IBTimes report. 

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