Better US Consumer Sentiment to Benefit Diamond Investors

Gem Investing

CNBC reported that according to Alison Turner, a mining analyst at Panmure Gordon, diamond investors are likely to benefit from a recovery in consumer sentiment in the United States.

CNBC reported that according to Alison Turner, a mining analyst at Panmure Gordon, diamond investors are likely to benefit from a recovery in consumer sentiment in the United States.

As quoted in the market news:

Turner admitted that the diamond market was small and niche and that it would probably stay that way, but she said the potential for returns was plain to see. She also argued that the market is far more transparent than it once was, when De Beers in particular sat on ‘very high stock piles.’

Turner commented:

I think unlike some other commodities where investors are very worried about what’s going on in China, diamonds are very, very heavily exposed to the U.S. market and the recovery there on the consumer side. Just under 40 percent of world demand still sits in the U.S. and that market is recovering quite strongly and certainly we think will continue to do so this year.

Click here to read the full CNBC report.

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