5 Most Expensive Diamonds Sold at Auction

Gem Investing

In preparation for Sotheby’s upcoming October 7 auction, at which a 118.28-carat white diamond will be auctioned off, Bloomberg provided a list of the five most expensive diamonds ever sold at auction.

In preparation for Sotheby’s upcoming October 7 auction, at which a 118.28-carat white diamond will be auctioned off, Bloomberg provided a list of the five most expensive diamonds ever sold at auction.

The news outlet lists the most expensive as the Graff Pink:

Sale price: $45.6 million, 45.4 million Swiss francs.

Description: A 24.78-carat round-cornered rectangular step-cut Fancy Intense pink diamond.

Auction house: Sotheby’s, Geneva, Nov. 15, 2010.

Notes: Bought and named by the London-based jeweler Laurence Graff.

‘It is the most fabulous diamond I’ve seen in my career,’ Graff said after the sale.

Click here to read the full Bloomberg report.

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