Zadar Ventures Discovers Radioactive Boulders on PNE Project, Northeast of Patterson Lake South

Company News

Zadar Ventures Ltd. (TSXV:ZAD,FWD:ZAV) completed Phase I reconnaissance/orientation summer field program on the PNE uranium project in the Patterson Lake area of the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. Boulder chip sampling results showed that anomalous boulders sampled have basement rock lithologies similar to those reported in the early stages of the Patterson Lake South uranium discovery

Zadar Ventures Ltd. (TSXV:ZAD,FWD:ZAV) completed Phase I reconnaissance/orientation summer field program on the PNE uranium project in the Patterson Lake area of the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. Boulder chip sampling results showed that anomalous boulders sampled have basement rock lithologies similar to those reported in the early stages of the Patterson Lake South uranium discovery.

As quoted in the press release:

The program comprised a 3 day on-the-ground geophysical (scintillometer) survey program, deployment of Alpha-Track Uranium Services radon detectors (34) in an area with historical anomalous boron (+ uranium) boulder samples. Additionally, boulder chip sampling and a base line evaluation for permitting of a diamond drilling program was conducted in conjunction with the ground based traverses across the Project area. Based on the success of the Phase I program and the quality of initial results, Zadar has initiated a more substantive follow-up Phase II program on the PNE Project.

Of the anomalous boulders tested in Phase I all returned values from 130 to 405 Counts per Second (“cps”) with 13 of 17 reporting greater than 200 cps as measured by the hand-held Radiation Solutions R-125 scintillometer/spectrometer device utilized for the program. The boulders are classified as rounded to sub rounded and range from 60 to 120 centimetres in diameter and were predominantly basement-type lithologies of granulites to schists, and one Basinal sandstone unit. The anomalous boulders sampled have basement rock lithologies similar to those reported in the early stages of the Patterson Lake South uranium discovery (see Alpha Minerals Inc. news release of December 14, 2011).

Click here to read the Zadar Ventures Ltd. (TSXV:ZAD,FWD:ZAV) press release

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