U3O8 Corp. Extends Near-Surface Uranium Mineralization

Company News

U3O8 Corp. (CVE:UWE) reports that successful exploration has increased the size of its uranium-vanadium discovery in Argentina.

U3O8 Corp. (TSXV:UWE) reports that successful exploration has increased the size of its uranium-vanadium discovery in Argentina.

The press release is quoted as saying:

A total of 1,090 trenches have been excavated to determine the extent of the mineralized layer which occurs from surface down to a maximum depth of three metres in unconsolidated sandy gravel. The average thickness of the mineralized layer is 0.9 metres at average uranium and vanadium grades of 155 parts per million (“ppm”) U3O8 and 842ppm V2O5 respectively at a cut-off grade of 50ppm U3O8 (Table 1).

Click here to access the entire press release.

Click here to access U308 Corp.’s company website.

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