Titan Uranium Completes Column Leach Tests

Company News

Titan Uranium Inc (CVE:TUE) reports that it has recently completed three column leach tests for its Sheep Mountain uranium project in Fremont County, Wyoming.

Titan Uranium Inc (TSXV:TUE) reports that it has recently completed three column leach tests for its Sheep Mountain uranium project in Fremont County, Wyoming.

The press release is quoted as saying:

Three columns were tested, with feed from both fresh drill cuttings and from material stockpiled from the Sheep I mine since the 1980′s.  The stockpiled material has been subject to meteoric oxidation, while the cuttings from the 2009 drill program have been kept in sealed containers.

From the fresh material, 97.47% of the contained uranium was extracted, with acid consumption at 3.38 lbs/ton.  The two tests using older material yielded even higher extractions (99.87% and 99.86%) with acid consumptions of 1.67 and 1.58 lbs/ton.

Click here to access the entire press release.

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