Peninsula Energy Completes Deep Disposal Well at Lance Projects
Peninsula Energy (ASX:PEN) has completed the deep disposal well for stage 1 Lance In-Situ Recovery Projects in Wyoming, USA. Drilling of the deep disposal well began in March 2015, with a depth of 8,607 feet ahead of schedule.
As quoted in the press release:
An 18-hour performance test of the DDW demonstrated an injection rate of 35 gallons per minute (gpm), well in excess of the 20 gpm requirement for stage 1 operations. The 35 gpm injection rate was achieved using a pump pressure of only 27 pounds per square inch (psi) while the well is approved for pumping pressure of up to 1,000psi. Simulation modelling also confirmed the expectation that the DDW will be available for approximately 10 years use. The completion and performance of the DDW is an outstanding success and at a cost of approx.
US$3.3m was the major cost over-run risk to the project. Other recent project start-ups in Wyoming have had to complete up to three DDW’s before achieving the required disposal rate.
The Central Process Plant (CPP) construction and wellfield development activities continue to progress to both cost forecasts and time schedules. All ion exchange columns and pressure vessel tanks have been installed in the CPP (refer figure 3 below).
Cladding of the building housing the site workshop, laboratory and administration office have been completed and are now undergoing internal build-out and finishing (refer figure 4 below).
The third round of wellfield baseline water sampling for Ross Permit Area Mine Unit 1 was completed on June 1. The fourth and final round of baseline water sampling will be completed on June 15, enabling the wellfield package to be submitted to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality for review and final approval prior to the commencement of operations.
Click here to read the Peninsula Energy (ASX:PEN) press release
Click here to see the Peninsula Energy (ASX:PEN) profile.