Kivalliq Energy Announce Work Completed at Jurgen, Notice of Genesis Property Claim Reduction

VANCOUVER, BC–(Marketwired – October 04, 2016) – Kivalliq Energy Corporation (TSXV:KIV) and Roughrider Exploration Limited (“Roughrider”) today announced the completion of a small field program between September 22 and 29, 2016 in the Jurgen area of the Genesis Property.
VANCOUVER, BC–(Marketwired – October 04, 2016) – Kivalliq Energy Corporation (TSXV:KIV) and Roughrider Exploration Limited (“Roughrider”) today announced the completion of a small field program between September 22 and 29, 2016 in the Jurgen area of the Genesis Property. A total of 187 enzyme leach soil samples, 147 biogeochemical samples and two rock samples were collected along the Jurgen 1 and Jurgen 2 target area trend. Sampling focused on infilling enzyme leach soil samples at Jurgen 1 and expansion of the enzyme leach and biogeochemical grids to cover newly identified gravity low anomalies (see news release August 23, 2016) along the trend to the northeast.
Prospecting work within the sample grid areas using a hand held Radiation Solutions Inc. RS-121 scintillometer identified a granitic-pegmatite boulder that recorded 20,000 counts per second (“cps”) natural gamma radiation, in situ. Kivalliq cautions that scintillometer readings are not directly related to uranium grade and are only used to indicate radioactive material. Assay results are pending.
Kivalliq also received notice that, effective September 30, 2016, Roughrider will not maintain its option on 15 of the 56 claims comprising the Genesis Uranium Property located in northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The Genesis Property is now reduced to 41 claims totalling 131,412 hectares. Notification was provided pursuant to the terms of Mining Option Agreement between Kivalliq and Roughrider.
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