Super Nova Reports Evidence of Oil Zones at Milford

Resource Investing News

Super Nova Petroleum (CSE:SNP) announced that it had received initial results from drilling at the company’s Eagle #1 well on the company’s Milford County property. The results showed evidence of both shallow and deeper oil zones.

Super Nova Petroleum (CSE:SNP) announced that it had received initial results from drilling at the company’s Eagle #1 well on the company’s Milford County property. The results showed evidence of both shallow and deeper oil zones.

According to the press release, highlights include:

Evidence of shallow oil zones:

  • At approximately 560 feet depth, oil was encountered within the sampled drilling cuttings as determined under 40x magnification. The presence of hydrocarbons in this sample, which was noted as being sand-stone, was further confirmed by “florescence” under black light, which indicates the presence of oil. The lead well site geologist Joe Large, president of RPM Geologic LLC of Denver Col. also noted that visible oil was washed out of sample during cleaning and has identified this shallower zone as belonging to the “Two Medicine” formation.

Evidence of deeper oil zones:

  • From approximately 2,420 feet to 2,760 feet measured depth, mud log total gas readings measured from the return drilling mud circulated downhole were consistently above 200 units. Readings measured the presence of propane and butane, indicative of oil.
  • At a depth of 2,643 feet, the maximum reading of 419 units was measured (= 4.19% gas). In that reading, methane was 17,946 ppm, ethane was 6,071 ppm, propane was 10,650 ppm and butane was 7,315 ppm. At that time, drilling mud weight was noted as 9.2 pounds per gallon.
  • From 2,590 feet to 2,760 feet trace amounts of oil were also noted in the drilling cuttings, and evident as florescence under black light.
  • Unfortunately open-hole logging tools were unable to get past a lost circulation zone around 2,500 feet and were only able to reach a depth of 2,470 feet. As such, we were unable to confirm potential pay zones with logging tools where the most elevated mud-gas readings were noted.

Click here to read the Super Nova Petroleum Corp. (CSE:SNP) press release
Click here to see the Super Nova Petroleum Corp. (CSE:SNP) profile.

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