Primary Petroleum and Nextraction Energy Form Oil Joint Venture in Montana
Dec. 17, 2010 05:02PM PST
Resource Investing News Primary Petroleum Corporation (CVE:PIE) reports that it has entered into a Seismic and Farmout Agreement with Nextraction Energy Corp. (CVE:NE) whereby it can earn an interest in Primary’s 20,000 acre Saturn Prospect, Daniels County, Montana.
Primary Petroleum Corporation (TSXV:PIE) reports that it has entered into a Seismic and Farmout Agreement with Nextraction Energy Corp. (TSXV:NE) whereby it can earn an interest in Primary’s 20,000 acre Saturn Prospect, Daniels County, Montana.
The press release is quoted as saying:
The target of the initial phase of the Joint Venture is the western Bakken fairway of the Williston Basin in northeastern Montana. The Williston Basin is a productive basin in Montana and Saskatchewan, Horizontal drilling for oil on the Bakken formation in Montana, North Dakota and Saskatchewan has opened up new potential for large scale oil reserves.
Click here to access the entire news release.