OMDA Oil and Gas, Inc. Issues a Follow Up Report on Concord Dome
OMDA Oil and Gas, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: OOAG) would like to provide a follow up report on its Concord Dome oil wells.
OMDA Oil and Gas, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: OOAG) would like to provide a follow up report on its Concord Dome oil wells.
The press release is quoted as saying:
Since Concord Dome is such an extensive and valuable asset of OMDA’s, the company plans on providing detailed log information, revenue figures, balance sheets and proven reserve figures as soon as it is possible to do so. The company has been poring over pages and pages of information and legal descriptions on the prospect that have been recently received and that continue coming in, in order to thoroughly and accurately give the shareholders a detailed accounting of this important resource. All of this important information coming into OMDA is also aiding the company in the due diligence process as it considers taking a stake in the surrounding acreage to the Concord Dome prospect.
Click here to access the entire press release