Bowood Announces Positive Alberta Bakken Drilling Results

Resource Investing News

Bowood Energy Inc. (TSXV:BWD) provided operational update of the latest drilling and land acquisition activities in the Southern Alberta Bakken play.

Bowood Energy Inc. (TSXV:BWD) provided operational update of the latest drilling and land acquisition activities in the Southern Alberta Bakken play.

As quoted in the press release:

The Company’s first Southern Alberta Bakken horizontal well, located at Spring Coulee on Freehold acreage has been completed. The well is now being equipped for production and first production is anticipated within the next week. The well was drilled directionally to a depth of 2,197 meters with a pilot hole through the Bakken system. Cores were taken in the Second White Specks and in the Bakken petroleum system, including the lower Banff, the Exshaw and the Big Valley formations.

In September 2011, Bowood and its partner Legacy jointly acquired an additional 9,658 acres (4,829 net to each partner) of contiguous land offsetting the Spring Coulee well. The lands are expected to be prospective for the Bakken Petroleum system and the shallower Second White Specks oil resource play. This acquisition increases Bowood`s net land position in the Southern Alberta Bakken fairway to approximately 110,000 acres.

Click here to read the Bowood Energy Inc. (TSXV:BWD) press release

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