Anglo Canadian Oil Corp. Provides Operations Update

Oil and Gas Investing

Anglo Canadian Oil Corp. (CVE:ACG) reported that it continues to complete and evaluate its Shane 7-11 well after drilling to a total measured depth of 2650m.

Anglo Canadian Oil Corp. (TSXV:ACG) reported that it continues to complete and evaluate its Shane 7-11 well after drilling to a total measured depth of 2650m.

The press release is quoted as saying:

The initial well swabbing over a 2 day period, from a limited reservoir access wellbore and after recovering load fluid, averaged 2.5m3/day (16 bbls/day) oil production with an average total fluid production of 6.7 m3/day (42 bbls/day). Water cuts were 63% over the same period. Oil analysis from these initial swabs shows an API gravity of 26. The well has not yet been stimulated. Work to allow full access to the wellbore to fully evaluate all potential hydrocarbon bearing zones in the “Nordegg Member” will continue over the next 3 weeks. In addition, Anglo’s recently spudded Sturgeon Lake South 15-10 well has been drilled and cased as a potential vertical Nordegg Member oilwell. It is anticipated a multistage vertical fracing completion will be performed over the 32 m of Nordegg Member encountered on this well.

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