Largo Provides Update on Currais Novos Tungsten Project

Company News

Largo Resources Ltd. (CVE:LGO) updates on the production of tungsten concentrate in July 2011 from its Currais Novos project in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.

Largo Resources Ltd. (TSXV:LGO) updates on the production of tungsten concentrate in July 2011 from its Currais Novos project in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.

The press release is quoted as saying:

Highlights of development include: Engineering phase is 95% concluded, civil works contract has been awarded, and construction of the power substation building has commenced, long-lead equipment items have been ordered and are beginning to arrive at site, order has been placed for a ball mill which is scheduled to arrive at site shortly, Knelson concentrator has arrived at site, consultants have been contracted to assist with equipment imports and minimization of taxes, final permitting documents have been submitted and scheduling of the first concentrate delivery on track for end of July 2011.

Click here to access the entire press release

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