Knick Exploration Set to Review Polymetalic Potential at Trecession

Company News

Knick Exploration (TSXV:KNX) says it is continuing preliminary mapping, prospecting and sampling on the Mallich Area of its Trecesson project. Thirteen historical trenches and two drill hole casings have been located and 10 grab samples collected, with results pending.

Knick Exploration (TSXV:KNX) says it is continuing preliminary mapping, prospecting and sampling on the Mallich Area of its Trecesson project. Thirteen historical trenches and two drill hole casings have been located and 10 grab samples collected, with results pending.

According to the press release:

In early November 2014 preliminary mapping, prospecting and sampling was performed on the Mallich Area base-metal occurrence of the Trecesson Property as part of Knick’s review and verification process of its polymetallic potential of the property. The work was performed in the vicinity of historical drill holes M-9 and M-12 which intersected 1.28% Zn, 0.33% Cu, 0.32oz Ag/t over 15.2 m, and 0.69% Zn, 0.17% Cu over 19.8 m, respectively (43-101, Trecesson Property, 2013). A total of 13 historical trenches and 2 drill hole casings were located and ten grab samples were collected. Sample results are pending.

Although 1951 historical drilling results were sub economical at the time, the widths of the mineralized intersection suggest that there is potential for similar width of potentially higher grades along strike and at depth.

Click here to read the Knick Exploration (TSXV:KNX) press release

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