Noventa Looking To Raise Money For Tin, Tantalum Mine
Mining Weekly reported Noventa (LSE:NVTA,TSX:NTA) is considering alternative options to raise another $35 million to continue paying loans and provide working capital for its tin and tantalum mine.
Mining Weekly reported Noventa (LSE:NVTA,TSX:NTA) is considering alternative options to raise another $35 million to continue paying loans and provide working capital for its tin and tantalum mine.
As quoted in the market news:
The company, which secured additional funds of $36.9-million in August, of which $6.8-million has been received during 2012, said that following a difficult 2011/12 period, it was “back on track” to becoming a profitable, value-creating group.
Noventa established operations in a conflict-free zone that held rich tantalum and tin mineralization in the Katanga province of the DRC.