Global Advanced Reacts To Dodd-Frank’s Tantalum Source Requirements
Metals Miner reported on Global Advanced Metals (GAM) reaction to the Dodd-Frank law and the company’s efforts to source conflict-free tantalum.
Metals Miner reported on Global Advanced Metals (GAM) reaction to the Dodd-Frank law and the company’s efforts to source conflict-free tantalum.
As quoted in the market news:
Certainly, companies are struggling now to interpret the conflict minerals rules and implement its mandates, and this is destined to become a top priority for thousands of manufacturing organizations. MetalMiner spoke with two producers of different metals for their reaction to the new rule —Global Advanced Metals (GAM), a tantalum producer, and Nucor, a steel producer.
GAM’s President, Andrew O’Donovan said:
Not having rules has led to a lack of action by some parties. It allowed certain companies that continued to source ‘conflict’ material to continue to prosper and created an uneven playing field and disadvantage for those who are responsibly sourcing tantalum.
Click here to read the full Metal Miner report.