The International Business Times reported that manufacturers, users and researchers of rare earth element have formed RETA( Rare Earth Technology Alliance), with the common aim of developing a strategy to help deal with current supply shortages.
The International Business Times reported that manufacturers, users and researchers of rare earth element have formed RETA (Rare Earth Technology Alliance), with the common aim of developing a strategy to help deal with current supply shortages.
As quoted in the market report:
The new organization, whose members include Arnold Magnetic Technologies, Avalon Rare Metals, Boulder Wind Power, Colorado School of Mines, General Electric, Global Tungsten & Powders, Great Western Minerals Group, Iowa State University, Molycorp, Montana Tech, Quest Rare Minerals, Rare Element Resources, and Solvay (Rhodia), targets to be the leading voice for the rare earth industry and a central resource for information about this vital sector.
To view the full International Business Times report, click here.