Molycorp Fires Up Rare Earths Concentrator

Rare Earth Investing

Molycorp, Inc. (NYSE:MCP) announced the start-up of its new Project Phoenix heavy rare earth concentrate facilities at Mountain Pass, California, which will produce heavy rare earth concentrate from ore that will then be processed into heavy rare earth products in Molycorp’s production facilities.

Molycorp, Inc. (NYSE:MCP) announced the start-up of its new Project Phoenix heavy rare earth concentrate facilities at Mountain Pass, California, which will produce heavy rare earth concentrate from ore that will then be processed into heavy rare earth products in Molycorp’s production facilities.

The company also said its Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant will begin feeding electrical power and steam this week to its Mountain Pass facilities.

As quoted in the press release:

“We have launched operations of Project Phoenix’s heavy rare earth concentrate facilities on schedule, our combined heat and power plant is set to begin powering our new facilities this week, and we remain on track to achieve full Phase 1 production rates at Mountain Pass in the fourth quarter of this year,” said Mark A. Smith, Molycorp’s President and Chief Executive Officer.

Click here to read the full press release

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