China Seizing The Moment?

Resource Investing News

  China’s promises to clean up its act on a clean climate could well go up in smoke and add to the sooty blanket of smog that lines most cities. The country churns out 3 new coal-fired generating plants every week. And we thought they would pay heed. China is potrayed as a dire threat …


China’s promises to clean up its act on a clean climate could well go up in smoke and add to the sooty blanket of smog that lines most cities. The country churns out 3 new coal-fired generating plants every week.

And we thought they would pay heed. China is potrayed as a dire threat to the planet, with its booming population and its resultant pollution. And though the country promised to clean up its climate and spelt out other environmental promises at the Copenhagen meet, the promises could well go up in smoke and add to the sooty blanket of smog that lines most of the cities in the Asian country.

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