China May Have To Worry Soon

Resource Investing News

  News of the likelihood of finding rare earths supplies by Greenland Minerals and Energy which could possibly pose a large challenge to the Chinese supply has send the rare earths sector into a tizzy. We have been reporting on how the world is waking up to the fact that something needs to be done …


News of the likelihood of finding rare earths supplies by Greenland Minerals and Energy which could possibly pose a large challenge to the Chinese supply has send the rare earths sector into a tizzy.

We have been reporting on how the world is waking up to the fact that something needs to be done of China’s strangle-hold on approximately 96 per cent of the global rare earths supply. Last week, we had spoken of the European Commission’s study on “access difficulties” in the extraction of REE. This week, we bring to you an interesting aside on how the United States may have found a way to counter China.

For complete article, click onto Rare Earth Investing News.


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