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Bushveld Minerals Announces Vanadium Pentoxide Grades of 1.5 to 1.6 Percent
Oct. 15, 2014 12:06PM PST
Battery MetalsBushveld Minerals (AIM:BMN) announced it had completed two additional Davis Tube tests on two samples, with concetrate grades of vanadium pentoxide registering 1.5 to 1.6 percent.
Bushveld Minerals (LSE:BMN) announced it had completed two additional Davis Tube tests on two samples, with concentrate grades of vanadium pentoxide registering 1.5 to 1.6 percent.
According to the press release, highlights include:
- Concentrate grades of 1.5 – 1.6% V2O5 (vanadium pentoxide) achieved for two MML HW layers;
- Layers with low in-situ vanadium grades of 0.3-0.7% can still be upgraded to suitable vanadium grades in magnetite concentrates;
- Excellent vanadium recoveries of >90%; and
- Potential for significant increase in Mineral Resource Estimates pending financial evaluation.
Click here to read the Bushveld Minerals Ltd. (AIM:BMN) press release