Australia’s Cobre Montana Secures New Processing License Agreements
Cobra Montana NL (ASX:CXB) has entered new processing license agreements with Strategic Metallurgy P/L for a proprietary process to produce lithium from Cobra’s lithium properties in Western Australia. According to Mining Australia, the agreement could see the state become an important lithium supplier.
Cobra Montana NL (ASX:CXB) has entered new processing license agreements with Strategic Metallurgy P/L for a proprietary process to produce lithium from Cobra’s lithium properties in Western Australia. According to Mining Australia, the agreement could see the state become an important lithium supplier.
As quoted in the publication:
The agreements will combine Cobre’s mica-based lithium occurrences near Coolgardie, Ravensthorpe and Southern Cross in WA, with the only known practical processing technology able to extract lithium from the sheet-like mica – a proprietary technology developed and owned by Perth-based technology provider, Strategic Metallurgy P/L.
The agreements, in the form of options over the use by Cobre Montana of the Strategic technology, will run for up to 26 years.
The terms of the agreements are exclusive to Cobre in WA – a State which already supplies around a third of total annual global lithium production – as well as two other Cobre lithium project areas of the Company’s choosing in either Australia or overseas.