AmeriLithium Confirms Start of Drilling on Nevada-Based Paymaster Lithium Project

Battery Metals

AmeriLithium Corp. (OTC:AMEL) starts drilling on its 8-hole drill program on the Paymaster Canyon Lithium brine project in Nevada on March 15th, 2011.

AmeriLithium Corp. (OTC:AMEL) starts drilling on its 8-hole drill program on the Paymaster Canyon Lithium brine project in Nevada on March 15th, 2011.

The press release is quoted as saying:

Primary sampling and testing will be completed by Reno based ALS Cemex, who performed the testing for Rodina Lithium on its neighboring Clayton Valley property. In addition, 15% of the samples will be sent to a secondary lab, for quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) purposes and procedures as implemented by Robert Allender, AmeriLithium’s VP of Exploration & Chief Geologist.

Click here to access the entire press release

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