Soldi Stakes Additional 120.4 Hectare Graphite Property

Battery Metals

Soldi Ventures Inc. (TSXV:SOV), a junior exploration company that focuses on graphite deposits, announced that it has staked 120.4 hectares more within Galaxy Graphite’s Buckingham Project in Quebec.

Soldi Ventures Inc. (TSXV:SOV), a junior exploration company that focuses on graphite deposits, announced that it has staked 120.4 hectares more within Galaxy Graphite’s Buckingham Project in Quebec.

As quoted in the press release:

The Buckingham graphite property comprises of two former producing mines, located just east of Buckingham, Québec. The mines are located in the highly prospective Central Metasedimentary belt of the Grenville geological province, host to many active graphite projects. The host rocks for both deposits are graphitic crystalline marbles, similar to the host stratigraphy at Timcal’s Lac des Iles graphite mine, currently Canada’s only producing graphite mine. The two properties cover a total of 1,324 hectares on 22 mining claims.

Click here to read the full Soldi Ventures Inc. (TSXV:SOV) press release.

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