Lincoln Minerals Moves Closer to Mining Lease Proposal for Kookaburra Gully
Lincoln Minerals Ltd. (ASX:LML) provided a Community Information Update No. II for the proposed mine at its South Australia-based Kookaburra Gully flake graphite deposit.
Lincoln Minerals Ltd. (ASX:LML) provided a Community Information Update No. II for the proposed mine at its South Australia-based Kookaburra Gully flake graphite deposit. The update is one of the final steps the company needs to take to complete a mining lease proposal for the mine.
As quoted in the press release:
Since our last update in February 2014, the project team has progressed in finalising a Concept Design Plan and a draft Mining Lease Proposal for the proposed Kookaburra Gully Graphite Mine. This includes:
- optimisation of the layout, including the pit, waste rock storage facility, tailings storage facility and the stockpiles (see below figure) to improve the protection of native vegetation, minimise to the area of arable land impacted, minimise environmental impacts such as dust, noise and carbon offsets and for both mining operations and the way the site will be rehabilitated
- further design work on the Mine Concept Design to include the northern end section of the graphite deposit in the mine schedule in the Mining Lease Proposal. The refinement was made on advice from the Department of Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade, Resources and Energy (DMITRE) to ensure that the mining lease was able to accommodate waste rock and tailings from the whole project. Notices of Entry have been given to both property owners to ‘peg’ the requisite Mineral Claim and discussions are continuing
- completion of technical assessments including flora, fauna, groundwater, noise and air quality to understand and mitigate any impacts
- drafting of the Mining Lease Proposal, this is scheduled to be lodged with DMITRE in late July 2014 following the Community Information Sessions and subject to any further requirements from Government agencies.
Click here to read the full Lincoln Minerals Ltd. (ASX:LML) press release.