Graphite Corp. Engages Minetech to Help in Acquisition and Development

Battery Metals

Graphite Corp. (OTCQB:GRPH) has announced the engagement of a private engineering firm headquartered in Elko Nevada, Minetech USA, LLC to help the company in the evaluation, acquisition and development of mining opportunities for graphite.

Graphite Corp. (OTCQB:GRPH) has announced the engagement of a private engineering firm headquartered in Elko Nevada, Minetech USA, LLC to help the company in the evaluation, acquisition and development of mining opportunities for graphite.

As quoted in the press release:

Minetech will also provide the services of a Geotechnical Engineer, and a Landman. As part of the contract, Graphite Corp. aims to deploy Minetech for long term general engineering consulting in regards to exploring and developing Company properties to most efficiently mesh with small mine planning and graphite extraction. Near term goals will employ their Landman services to evaluate Graphite Corp. land positions including future acquisitions.

Click here to read the full Graphite Corp. (OTCQB:GRPH) press release.

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