Flinders Resources to Help Svenskt Grafen with Graphite Research

Flinders Resources Limited (TSXV:FDR) Swedish subsidiary, Woxna Graphite AB, has been chosen as an industry partner within Svenskt Grafen (Swedish Graphene), a Swedish-government-funded program to research and commercialize the production of graphene from Swedish-sourced graphite.
Flinders Resources Limited (TSXV:FDR) Swedish subsidiary, Woxna Graphite AB, has been chosen as an industry partner within Svenskt Grafen (Swedish Graphene), a Swedish-government-funded program to research and commercialize the production of graphene from Swedish-sourced graphite. With a production-ready, fully permitted graphite mine and processing facility, Woxna is the natural partner for this program.
As quoted in the press release:
Key points:
•In 2013, the European Union launched the Graphene Flagship Project, a ten-year, €1 billion (US$1.1B) project to research graphene commercialization. Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden, is the project coordinator.
•In 2015, Sweden launched SIO Grafen, a three-year, SEK 54M (US$6.4M) project aimed at strategic innovation to commercialize graphene production in Sweden. SIO Grafen is financially supported by the Swedish government and industry.
•In 2015, SIO Grafen initiated Swedish Graphene, a 2-year, SEK 2.4M (US$0.28M) project to investigate Woxna’s Swedish flake graphite, and its suitability to produce graphene on an industrial scale.
•Flinders’ partner in Swedish Graphene is 2D Fab AB (“2D Fab”), a company spin-off from Mittuniversitetet (Mid Sweden University), who have been conducting graphene research for many years.
•The Swedish government is providing funding for https://siografen.se/projekt/svenskt-grafen/ Swedish Graphene. Swedish Graphene will run until November 2016.
Flinders Resources Limited President & CEO, Blair Way, stated:
This announcement represents an exciting milestone for Flinders, placing the Company at the forefront of one of the fast moving areas of new materials research. The European Union and Sweden are global leaders in the research and development of graphene, with a significant research history and very substantial future funding. Sweden is highly regarded as a technology-driven industrial economy, and SIO Grafen cements Sweden’s position as a sustainable leader in the development and commercialization of graphene.
Flinders is extremely proud to be a part of this leading technology project to develop graphene from Swedish-sourced graphite. The partnering of a fully permitted graphite mine with fully funded graphene research of this scale, makes for a strong and unique story with the capacity to deliver in industrially-relevant time frames.
The Swedish Graphene project completes the third link in our strategy to position Woxna as a leading supplier to the current and future graphite and graphene industries. Woxna has produced and sold flake graphite to the traditional refractory sector, and is currently researching the production of high purity graphite product with Chinese technology suppliers.
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