Ashburton Intersects 88.0 Meters Averaging 3.29% Cg At Buckingham Property, Quebec
Ashburton Ventures Inc. (TSXV:ABR) announced new assay results from holes BH15-02, BH15-04 and BH15-05 of its ongoing drilling program on the Company’s Buckingham Graphite Project located in southern Quebec.As quoted in the press release: Drilling and Assay Results: BH15-02, 03 and 05 Hole BH15-02 was targeting the extension at depth of a graphite mineralized trench yielding …
Ashburton Ventures Inc. (TSXV:ABR) announced new assay results from holes BH15-02, BH15-04 and BH15-05 of its ongoing drilling program on the Company’s Buckingham Graphite Project located in southern Quebec.
As quoted in the press release:
Drilling and Assay Results: BH15-02, 03 and 05
Hole BH15-02 was targeting the extension at depth of a graphite mineralized trench yielding an average value of 18.16 wt. % Cg. The trench lies on a 1,500 m-long, NE-trending TDEM (Time Domain ElectroMagnetic) geophysical anomaly. The drill core revealed silicified and sulphide-bearing quartz-biotite paragneiss with rare marble and occasional pegmatite intrusions.
Hole BH15-04, reaching a depth of 200 m, intersected 16 m of disseminated, millimeter-scale flakes of graphite mineralization, hosted primarily within marble units. The hole was collared on the same site as hole BH15-03 (310°/-50°), plunged at -70° and is situated approximately 110 m southwest of BH15-01 along strike the TDEM geophysical anomaly. Hole BH15-05 was collared farther to the NE approximately 280 m from the position of hole BH15-04.
BH15-05 intersected disseminated graphite mineralization for nearly 129 m within alternating sequences of marble and quartz-biotite paragneiss accompanied by sporadic quartz veins and pegmatite dykes. Structural measurements from the drill core and the trenches situated directly above the drill holes location suggest the foliation and therefore the mineralized layers, strikes generally NE with a sub-vertical dip. The DDH coordinates and assay results are presented in Table 1 below. The assay results from the last three drill holes corroborate those obtained from two previous holes (DDH15-01and 03) which yielded Cg values of: 36 m @ 2.51 wt.% and 29 m @ 8.36 wt. % (DDH15-01) and 24 m @ 3.05 wt. % and 112 m @ 4.07 wt. % (BH15-03) (ABR Press Releases of January 26 and February 11, 2016).
Ashburton Ventures President and CEO, Michael England, stated:
We are encouraged by the new assay results demonstrating the NE extension of the graphitic mineralization at depth and for at least 300 m along strike a 1,500 m TDEM geophysical anomaly at Buckingham. The property constitutes an important part of ABR’s strategic acquisition of lithium and graphite assets, since graphite also enters the fabrication of lithium-ion batteries. ABR expects to further pursue its drilling campaign during the summer months.