Ivanhoe Mines Reports Drill Results from Kipushi Mine in Congo

Base Metals Investing

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. (TSX:IVN) announced the fourth batch of assay results from its Kipushi copper-zinc-germanium-lead-precious metals mine.

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. (TSX:IVN) announced the fourth batch of assay results from its Kipushi copper-zinc-germanium-lead-precious metals mine.

As quoted in the press release:

Drilling at depth to the south of the Big Zinc zone has revealed a new intersection of massive sulphide mineralization containing sphalerite (zinc), chalcopyrite (copper) and pyrite. Hole KPU072 – drilled through the historical Big Zinc zone from the hanging-wall drill drift 1,272 metres below surface to test for the depth extension of the Big Zinc to the south – intersected a zone of significant massive sulphide mineralization over a down-hole length of 60 metres. It is uncertain at this stage if the intersection forms a down plunge extension of the Big Zinc zone or is a separate body of mineralization.

Robert Friedland, executive chairman of Ivanhoe Mines, stated:

Our underground drilling program at Kipushi is continuing to deliver exceptionally high-grade intercepts in several target areas, while leading to an improved understanding of geology and structural controls on the mineralization.

Click here for the full Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. (TSX:IVN) press release

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