Canada Zinc Metals Reports More Results from Cardiac Creek
Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (TSXV:CZX) announced new assay results from the Cardiac Creek deposit, located at its Akie zinc-lead-silver property in British Columbia.
Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (TSXV:CZX) announced new assay results from the Cardiac Creek deposit, located at its Akie zinc-lead-silver property in British Columbia.
Drilling at Akie was completed in September. Eight holes were drilled, and results have now been received for six of them.
As quoted in the press release:
This hole tested the down-dip extents of the deposit in an area previously untested. The hole intersected the proximal facies consisting of thickly bedded pyrite mineralisation from 651.22 to 674.12 metres and the Cardiac Creek Zone, comprised of sphalerite- and galena-enriched sulphide beds, from 695.40 to 716.51 metres. Sulphide beds comprise approximately 40% of the interval. Mineralisation is dominantly fine grained, laminated to bedded pyrite with variable amounts of banded, sphalerite mineralisation. A Footwall Zone of sphalerite- and pyrite-enriched sulphide beds underlies the Cardiac Creek Zone from 728.47 to 741.65 metres. The hole was completed to a depth of 814.43 metres in the Road River Group rocks.
Drill hole A-15-126 contains an extensive envelope of mineralisation present from 651.22 to 747.00 metres grading 2.74% combined Zn+Pb and 5.02 g/t Ag over a true width of 52.46 metres. This envelope contains a Hangingwall Zone from 651.22 to 674.12 metres which returned 3.54% combined Zn+Pb and 7.01 g/t Ag over a true width of 12.10 metres; the Cardiac Creek Zone from 695.40 to 716.51 metres which returned 5.45% combined Zn+Pb and 9.79 g/t Ag over a true width of 11.72 metres; and the Footwall Zone from 728.47 to 741.65 metres that returned 3.77% combined Zn+Pb and 6.54 g/t Ag over a true width of 7.40 metres.
Drill hole A-15-127 targeted an area located approximately 75 metres down dip of A-05-30 and A-07-50 and up-dip of A-15-126. The target was designed to test the down-dip extent of the high-grade mineralization present in the core of the deposit.
Thickly-bedded pyrite mineralisation of the proximal facies was intersected from 582.01 to 617.36 metres. This interval transitioned into the Cardiac Creek Zone at 617.36 to 648.68 metres followed by a Footwall Zone from 660.78 to 670.43 metres. Sulphide beds enriched in sphalerite, galena and pyrite represents 50% and 55% of the intervals in these two zones, respectively. The hole intersected the Road River Group rocks at 670.43 metres and ended at a depth of 716.28 metres.
A broad envelope of mineralization was intersected from 617.36 to 674.40 metres grading 5.82% combinedZn+Pb and 9.93 g/t Ag over a true width of 35.66 metres. The Cardiac Creek Zone returned 6.20% combined Zn+Pb and 10.54 g/t Ag over a true width of 19.49 metres. Inclusive higher grade intervals within the Cardiac Creek Zone include 7.49% combinedZn+Pb and 12.12 g/t Ag over a true width of 15.36 metres, and 13.17% combined Zn+Pb and 21.32 g/t Ag over a true width of 6.07 metres in the Footwall Zone.
Click here to read the full Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (TSXV:CZX) press release.