Canada Zinc Metals Reports Further Akie Drill Results
Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (TSXV:CZX) announced new assay results from two drill holes completed as part of a 2015 drill program at its Akie project.
Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (TSXV:CZX) announced new assay results from two drill holes completed as part of a 2015 drill program at its Akie project. They were aimed at expanding the existing indicated resource as well as the known extents of the high-grade zinc-lead-silver system in the central core of the Cardiac Creek deposit, located at Akie.
The program consisted of 5,350 meters drilled across eight holes.
As quoted in the press release:
This hole tested the dip extents of the high grade core with a targeted pierce point located approximately 75 metres down-dip of drill hole A-07-43.
The hole collared into Gunsteel Formation shale encountering several intervals of distal facies mineralization down to a depth of 570.53 metres. Proximal facies mineralization was encountered from 570.53 to 601.00 metres and is characterized by thickly bedded, fine grained pyrite interbedded with nodular barite and thin bands of fine grained sphalerite. The Cardiac Creek Zone extends from 601.00 to 626.38 metres and is characterized by fine grained sphalerite interbedded with mottled textured sphalerite-quartz-carbonate-galena and fine grained, laminar pyrite. Galena mineralisation is concentrated within the bands of mottled sulphides and disseminated proximal to them. Sphalerite banding generally increases in frequency and thickness towards the bottom of the zone. A shale interbed from 626.38 to 637.43 metres separates the Cardiac Creek Zone from the Footwall Zone. The Footwall Zone from 637.43 to 649.72 metres has abundant sphalerite mineralisation of similar character to the Cardiac Creek Zone but it decreases in frequency downhole while laminar pyrite mineralisation increases. The hole ended in calcareous siltstone of the Road River Group at 690.08 metres.
Drill hole A-15-130 contains an extensive envelope of mineralisation present from 596.59 to 649.72 metres grading 4.12% combined Zn+Pb and 7.01 g/t Ag over a true width of 34.03 metres. This envelope contains the Cardiac Creek Zone from 601.00 to 625.75 metres which returned 6.77% combined Zn+Pb and 10.51 g/t Ag over a true width of 15.82 metres. Higher grade intervals include 8.35% combined Zn+Pb and 12.84 g/t Ag over a true width of 12.15 metres from 606.75 to 625.75 metres. The Footwall Zone from 637.43 to 649.72 metres returned 3.32% combined Zn+Pb and 6.76 g/t Ag over a true width of 7.91 metres, and included a higher grade interval of 10.48% combined Zn+Pb and 15.41 g/t Ag over a true width interval of 1.79 metres from 637.43 to 640.22 metres.
Drill hole A-15-131 targeted the up-dip extension of the high grade core by infilling between holes A-14-114, A-08-58, A-08-54, A-94-11 and A-08-57, with an average separation from each of approximately 75 metres.
The hole collared into Gunsteel Formation shale and several repetitive, thick intervals of distal facies mineralization and interbedded shale before encountering the Cardiac Creek Zone. Proximal facies mineralisation was not present in this hole. The Cardiac Creek Zone was intersected from 266.16 to 288.36 metres and represented by thick beds of laminar-bedded sulphide mineralisation. High grade sections are comprised of fine grained sphalerite banding and mottled textured sphalerite-quartz-carbonate-galena bands. The Cardiac Creek Zone is underlain by sulphides intercalated with thick beds of massive barite from 288.36 to 297.00 metres. A small interval of debris flow occurs just above the Road River contact and the hole was finished at 322.17 metres in Road River Group siltstone.
The Cardiac Creek Zone returned 6.64% combined Zn+Pb and 10.89 g/t Ag over a true width of 21.17 metres from 266.00 to 289.53 metres. This includes higher grade intervals such as 9.83% combined Zn+Pb and 16.00 g/t Ag over a true width of 9.74 metres and 10.79% combined Zn + Pb and 15.46 g/t Ag over a true width of 6.91 metres.
Click here to read the full Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (TSXV:CZX) press release.