Votorantim Announces 1Q11 Results and Its First Sustainability Report
May. 27, 2011 06:55AM PST
Base Metals Investing Votorantim Participacoes S.A. reports its first quarter 2011 results and offers a sustainability report.
Votorantim Participacoes S.A. reports its first quarter 2011 results and offers a sustainability report.
The press release is quoted as saying,
Sales volume increased in steel, metals and cement, while remained stable in pulp business. Consolidated net revenues and Ebitda amounted R$5,627 million and R$1,357 million, an increase of 11% and 1%, respectively. Ebitda margin declined from 26.5% to 24.0%, impacted by the cement and steel businesses. Metals business accounted for 45% of industrial EBITDA, cement 35%, steel 7% and pulp 13%: