North American Nickel Intersects Most Significant Sulphide Mineralization to Date at Maniitsoq

Base Metals Investing

North American Nickel Inc. (TSXV:NAN,OTCBB:WSCRF) intersected an 18.62 metre core length of sulphide mineralization averaging approximately 40 – 45% total sulphides, including numerous sections containing 65% to 80% sulphides, in diamond drill hole MQ-13-026 at the within noritic host rocks at the Imiak Hill nickel-copper-cobalt zone on the Maniitsoq project.

 North American Nickel Inc. (TSXV:NAN,OTCBB:WSCRF) intersected an 18.62 metre core length of sulphide mineralization averaging approximately 40 – 45% total sulphides, including numerous sections containing 65% to 80% sulphides, in diamond drill hole MQ-13-026, within noritic host rocks at the Imiak Hill nickel-copper-cobalt zone on the Maniitsoq project. The Imiak Hill drilling program has intersected the most significant sulphide mineralization to date, and remains open at depth.

As quoted in the press release:

…diamond drill hole MQ-13-026 intersected an 18.62 metre core length of sulphide mineralization averaging approximately 40 – 45% total sulphides, including numerous sections containing 65% to 80% sulphides, within noritic host rocks at the Imiak Hill nickel-copper-cobalt zone on the Maniitsoq project.(see MQ-13-026 table). This is the deepest of three sulphide intersections, all described in this release, that have been drilled at Imiak Hill in 2013. Drill core has been logged, samples sawed in half and shipped to ALS Chemex in Sweden for analysis. Assay results for all three holes are pending and further drilling is planned.

North American Nickel Inc. COO, Neil Richardson, said:

We are pleased to report that drill hole MQ 13-026 is the best intersection we have seen to date with intense sulphides clearly present and our BHEM surveys indicate that Imiak Hill is still open down plunge. It is also important to note is that the intensity of the sulphide mineralization, as shown in the three holes referenced in this release, is increasing with depth. It is common knowledge that most nickel deposits occur at, or near the base of, mafic intrusions, so we will continue to follow the high grade mineralization down towards the base of the Imiak Hill mafic norite intrusion with additional drilling and borehole geophysics.

Click here to read the North American Nickel Inc. (TSXV:NAN,OTCBB:WSCRF) press release

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