Continental Nickel Mobilises for the Next Round of Drilling

Base Metals Investing

Continental Nickel Limited (CVE:CNI) reports it is mobilizing to commence the next round of drilling at the Nachingwea nickel sulphide project in Tanzania.

Continental Nickel Limited (TSXV:CNI) reports it is mobilizing to commence the next round of drilling at the Nachingwea nickel sulphide project in Tanzania.

The press release is quoted as saying,

This drilling program will test for extensions to the Sleeping Giant deposit which remains open in all directions. Drilling will initially concentrate on testing the shallow, up-plunge northern extent of the zone and western down dip extensions of the high grade mineralization intersected in 2010 (NAD10-220: 2.58% nickel and 0.41% copper over 23.3 metres, Press Release December 13, 2010; NAD10-226: 2.28% nickel and 0.57% copper over 17.25 metres, Press Release January 24, 2011). The drilling will also test for similar deposits along the western side of the Ntaka Intrusion including follow-up of the 2008 drill hole, NAD08-171, which intersected disseminated nickel sulphide mineralization at the end of hole which graded 0.63% Ni and 0.12% Cu over 4 metres.

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