CaNickel Mining Ltd. (TSX:CML) announced drilling results from the Thomson nickel belt exploration project in Manitoba, Canada.
CaNickel Mining Ltd. (TSX:CML) announced drilling results from the Thomson nickel belt exploration project in Manitoba, Canada.
As quoted in the press release:
This deposit is located approximately four kilometers north of the Bucko Lake Nickel Mine and milling operations, near the town of Wabowden, Manitoba. This drill program was designed to extend the deposit to depth and along strike, as well as provide further definition of the existing known mineralization.
A total of 7,157 meters have been completed and 1,519 samples were assayed in this 12 holes drilling program. The drilling result of the first three holes was released on March 5, 2012 and Drill hole M12-02 intercepted 7.3 meters of 2.59% nickel.
Click here to read the CaNickel Mining Ltd. (TSX:CML) press release.