Writing for Seeking Alpha, Samra Qureshi looked at whether Rio Tinto (NYSE:RIO) could make a recovery from the severe pricing pressure it has felt in recent years.
Writing for Seeking Alpha, Samra Qureshi looked at whether Rio Tinto (NYSE:RIO) could make a recovery from the severe pricing pressure it has felt in recent years.
As quoted in the publication:
Rio’s share price has been soaring over the past few days and I’m anticipating significant upside potential over the long-term. After a significant depression in commodity prices, signs are now improving, thanks to major investment cuts and the suspension of expansion projects by major mining entities. In addition, growing stability in the steel industry is now supporting iron ore prices. RIO is also working on a positive strategy of generating increased volumes by reducing costs. The company is focusing on high-value high-growth assets for long-term success. I suggest investors buy in anticipation of big returns over the coming days.