Equity Research on AK Steel Holding Corp. and Arcelor Mittal – Steel and Iron Makers Strong

Base Metals Investing

Shinesroomonline.com reports they are are offering analytical research on AK Steel Holding Corp. (NYSE:AKS) and Arcelor Mittal (NYSE:MT).

Shinesroomonline.com reports they are are offering analytical research on AK Steel Holding Corp. (NYSE:AKS) and Arcelor Mittal (NYSE:MT).

The press release is quoted as saying,

The prices for iron ore and metallurgical coal, steel’s two major inputs, have both been on the rise for years now, doubling and tripling respectively since 2004. This has served to crimp steel-maker’s margins and motivated some companies in the sector to try and become more self-reliant in terms of satisfying their own input needs. Companies have also responded, not surprisingly, by raising prices.

For the complete press release, click here.

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