Cap-Ex Ventures Ltd. (TSXV:CEV,FWB:XOV,OTCQX:CPXVF) announced the final set of assay results from the Block 103 Property in Western Labrador.
As quoted in the press release:
All remaining holes intersected significant iron mineralization. Intervals ranged up to 256.8 metres in thickness with total iron content ranging from 27.0% to 31.3%. The 2012 drill program covered an area of just over 6 square kilometers, which is 50% more than originally planned.
Cap-Ex Ventures Ltd. President and CEO, Francois Laurin said:
We are thrilled with the results from our 2012 drill program. Not only did we intersect continuous grade and thickness at Block 103, but we covered a significantly larger area than anticipated. We are excited for the release of our maiden resource estimate, which is expected to occur within the next few weeks.
Click here to read the Cap-Ex Ventures Ltd. (TSXV:CEV,FWB:XOV,OTCQX:CPXVF) press release
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