TintinaGold Intersects 10.84% Copper Over 4 Meters on Its Sheep Creek Property, Montana, USA

Base Metals Investing

TintinaGold Resources Inc. (CVE:TAU) reports additional assay results from the 2010 drill program on its Sheep Creek Copper-Cobalt property.

TintinaGold Resources Inc. (TSXV:TAU) reports additional assay results from the 2010 drill program on its Sheep Creek Copper-Cobalt property.

The press release is quoted as saying:

TintinaGold is a growth company focused on the exploration and development of precious and base metal properties around the world. The Company’s experienced management team has assembled an impressive portfolio of gold and base metal projects in Alaska, including the Colorado Creek gold project, located in southwest Alaska approximately 100 miles northwest of the 40 million ounce Donlin Creek project and the Kugruk copper project located 70 miles north of Nome in the northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, and the Sheep Creek copper-cobalt property in Montana. The Company, in a short period of time, has successfully established itself in several of the most prolific mineral belts in North America.

Click here to access the entire press release

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