EurOmax Intercepts 345 Metres at 0.24% Copper and 0.32 Grams Per Tonne Gold at Ilovitza
Nov. 02, 2011 01:01PM PST
Base Metals Investing EurOmax Resources Ltd. (TSXV:EOX) reported further assay results from 2011 drilling program at the Ilovitza Copper-Gold Porphyry Project in Macedonia.
EurOmax Resources Ltd. (TSXV:EOX) reported further assay results from 2011 drilling program at the Ilovitza Copper-Gold Porphyry Project in Macedonia.
As quoted in the press release:
Results include 345 metres at 0.24% copper and 0.32 grams per tonne gold including 153 metres at 0.30% copper and 0.45 grams per tonne gold in drill hole EOIC-1126.
Click here to read the EurOmax Resources Ltd. (TSXV:EOX) press releaseÂ