Copper Mountain Updates on Construction Progress of Secondary Crusher

Base Metals Investing

Copper Mountain Mining Corporation (TSX:CUM) provided investors with an update on the construction of the new permanent secondary crusher at the Copper Mountain mine located in southern British Columbia.

Copper Mountain Mining Corporation (TSX:CUM) provided investors with an update on the construction of the new permanent secondary crusher at the Copper Mountain mine located in southern British Columbia. The company reports that the project us underway and on schedule, with the main components of the crusher having arrived in Canada at the port of Halifax where they were off loaded onto rail for transportation to Kamloops, BC and will be transported by truck to the mine site.

According to the company’s press release:

This crusher will be the largest cone crusher installed in western Canada and initial foundation work is well underway and the mild west coast winter has greatly reduced the potential extra cost of heating and hording of concrete.  The general contractor, Gisbourne are now fully staffed and proceeding with construction as planned.  The total cost of construction for the secondary crusher is estimated to be approximately $40 million and construction is expected to be complete by mid-summer.  Once installed, 100% of the mill feed will be sized to the 2 inch range. Plant operating results with minus 2 inch material has confirmed that the mill operates at its designed capacity of 35,000 tpd on a consistent basis.

Click here to view the full press release. 

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