Around the globe, diamond imports and exports collapse

Market News

Diamond Investing News reports weaker demand for diamonds around the globe. U.S. polished diamond imports hit a three-year low in November 2008, dropping 37 per cent to US$1.1 billion and decreasing 45 per cent by volume to a record low of 665,361 carats. Polished exports fell 17 per cent to $975 million in November and …

Diamond Investing News reports weaker demand for diamonds around the globe.

U.S. polished diamond imports hit a three-year low in November 2008, dropping 37 per cent to US$1.1 billion and decreasing 45 per cent by volume to a record low of 665,361 carats. Polished exports fell 17 per cent to $975 million in November and the country’s net polished imports dropped 79 per cent to US$113 million.

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