Potash West Intercepts Thick Molecap Greensand at Dandaragan Trough
Potash West (OTCQX:PWNNY) announced results from a 100 hole, 5,000m air core drill program at its Dandaragan Trough project in Perth, Australia. A significant finding from this work is the fact that the target Molecap Greensand is up to 58m thick.
As quoted in the press release:
To date Potash West has completed a 10 hole, 4km traverse through the Dambadjie and Attunga prospects, Figure 2. This work has confirmed the existence of phosphate rich horizons within the stratigraphy. A significant finding from this work is the fact that the target Molecap Greensand is up to 58m thick in this area, (eg PWAC294, from 38-96m), as shown in Table 1. This is in contrast to the Dinner Hill deposit, where the Molecap Greensand has an average thickness of only 8m but is estimated to contain 122Mt at 4.6% K2O and 1.5% P2O5.
Click here to read the Potash West (OTCQX:PWNNY) press release
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