DuSolo Investor Tembo Acquires 62.5 Million Shares
May. 25, 2016 11:21AM PST
Phosphate Investing
DuSolo Fertilizers Inc. (TSXV:DSF) announced Tembo Capital Mining Fund LP of Carinthia House, 9-12, the Grange, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4BF, United Kingdom, acquired 62.5 million common shares of DuSolo at a price of four cents per share for a total subscription price of $2.5-million.
DuSolo Fertilizers Inc. ( TSXV:DSF) announced Tembo Capital Mining Fund LP of Carinthia House, 9-12, the Grange, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4BF, United Kingdom, acquired 62.5 million common shares of DuSolo at a price of four cents per share for a total subscription price of $2.5-million.
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